European registration in ENQA and EQAR
The re-confirmation of full membership (since 2003) in the „European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education“ (ENQA) in 2021 officially acknowledged for another 5 years that ACQUIN’s work complies with the „Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area“ (ESG). Therefore, the registration of ACQUIN in the „European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education“ (EQAR) was renewed until 2026 (listed since 2008).
Cooperation in international networks
ACQUIN is a member of all relevant European and international associations and project initiatives dedicated to quality assurance in the higher education sector. ACQUIN is involved in international, in particular European, associations of external quality assurance institutions:
- AROQA (Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education), associate Member
- CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education)
- ENQA (European Network for Quality Assurance), full Member
- EUA (European University Association), associate Member
- INQAAHE (International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education)
Bilateral cooperations and registrations
Cooperations with foreign accreditation agencies
Bilateral cooperation partners include the Kazakhstan agencies „Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency in Education“ (IQAA) and „Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating“ (IAAR) as well as the Mongolian „Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation“ (MNCEA).
National Registrations
Since 2012 ACQUIN has been registered in the „National Register for Accreditation Agencies in the Republic of Kazakhstan“ and is thus entitled to carry out accreditation procedures at all universities in Kazakhstan.
In addition, ACQUIN is entitled to carry out audits at universities and technical colleges of applied sciences in Austria in accordance with § 22 Para. 2 HS-QSG.
Membership in associations
Since 2015 ACQUIN is member of the „Association of the German Industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan“ (VDW).