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Metallurgy Doctor of Philosophy, Karaganda Staatliche Technische Universität

AbschlussDoctor of Philosophy
Art der AkkreditierungReakkreditierung
Studiendauer3 Jahre (259 ECTS-Punkte)
Hochschule Karaganda Staatliche Technische Universität
Fakultät/FachbereichMechanical Engineering
Mitglieder der Gutachtergruppe• Professor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Gäse, Professor of Production Planning and Control, Faculty of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Institute for Production Technology, Univer-sity of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Zwickau, Germany
• Fred Härtelt, Bosch Engineering GmbH, Senior Expert, Central Quality Management Coordination, Abstatt, Germany
• Madiyar Kabken, Master studies “Transport, transport equipment and technology” (Master) S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
• Professor Dr.-Ing. Zhandos Kegenbekov, Associate Professor, Dean of the Industrial Engineering Faculty, German-Kazakh University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
• Professor Dr.-Ing. Sergey Nikolaevich Lezhnev, Associate Professor, Department of metallurgy and mining, Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny, Kazakhstan
• Johannes Mehler, Master's studies in industrial engineering specializing in mechanical engineering (production technology), RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
• Professor Dr.-Ing. Margot Papenheim-Ernst, Professor of production logistics, Faculty of Technical Processes, Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Heilbronn, Germany
• Professor Dr.-Ing. Hans-Friedrich Hinrichs, Professor of energy and environmental technology, Department of Technology and Economics, SRH University of Applied Sci-ences, Hamm, Germany
• Professor Dr. Franziska Scheffler, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies, Chair of Technical Chemistry, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
• Dr. habil. Kalkaman Shumashev, Executive Director“Innovazija” GmbH, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
• Professor Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ulrich, Cologne Institute of Construction Machinery and Agricultural Engineering, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany
• Professor Dr.-Ing. Olena Volkova, Director, Iron and Steel Institute, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg, Germany
Dauer der Akkreditierung30.09.2027
Profil des Studiengangssiehe Akkreditierungsbericht
Zusammenfassende Bewertungsiehe Akkreditierungsbericht
AkkreditierungsberichtKaraganda TU_AccreditationReport ClusterEngineering.pdf

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